Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Futbol Without A Ball?...

As seen in the recent documentary movie in class, 'Timbuktu,' there is a deep scene that displays the people that are under the rule of the Jihad playing soccer in the dirt. However, the only issue is they are playing soccer... with no ball. Mali Jihadist forbid that soccer be played. This did not stop the determined athletes to continue training in the sport they love. The scene in the movie displayed the boys running back and forth kicking the dust in resemblance of the ball movement. Even though there was no ball, through their creativity and passion for the game they were able to still play soccer. This overall scene shows how importance Futbol is in the culture of Africa. I'm sure many people have seen pictures or videos of children creating their own balls out of anything they can find whether it is plastic bags or trash they find to mold into a circular shape. The game brings joy to the people therefore they will do whatever it takes to be apart of it.